Throughout the entire program, regular reflections and discussions should be held to encourage students to share their experiences, insights, and growth during the journey. By the end of the six weeks, students should have developed a strong sense of identity, respect for self and others, positive relationships, resilience, a sense of responsibility, and the skills to be effective leaders in their own right.

Week 1: Identity – Fostering a sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Purpose: To help students develop a strong sense of self-identity, understand their unique strengths, and build a positive self-image, leading to increased confidence and overall wellbeing.

Educational Activities:

    1. Self-Reflection: Encourage students to reflect on their interests, strengths, and personal values through journaling or group discussions.
    2. Identity Collage: Have students create collages that represent their individuality and what makes them unique.
    3. Guest Speakers: Invite individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their personal stories of overcoming challenges and embracing their identities.
    4. Team-building Activities: Engage students in group activities that foster a sense of belonging and cooperation.

Week 2: Respect – Enhancing the qualities of honouring self and others.

Purpose: To cultivate a culture of respect, empathy, and compassion among students, fostering positive and inclusive interactions with others.

Educational Activities:

    1. Respect Pledge: Have students collectively create a respect pledge that outlines how they will treat themselves and others with respect.
    2. Role-playing Scenarios: Engage students in role-playing exercises that explore different situations and how respectful responses can resolve conflicts.
    3. Empathy Exercises: Conduct activities that promote understanding and empathy, such as discussing different perspectives on real-world issues.
    4. Kindness Challenge: Encourage students to perform random acts of kindness both within the school and in their community.

Week 3: Relationship – Encourages and establishes positive relationships.

Purpose: To help students build healthy and positive relationships with peers, teachers, and their community, fostering a supportive learning environment.

Educational Activities:

    1. Communication Skills: Teach effective communication techniques, including active listening and assertiveness training.
    2. Team-building Games: Organize team-building games and exercises that encourage collaboration and cooperation.
    3. Conflict Resolution: Provide strategies for resolving conflicts constructively and peacefully.
    4. Community Involvement: Initiate projects that allow students to connect with their local community and contribute positively.

Week 4: Resilience – Developing and nurturing self-management skills.

Purpose: To equip students with the tools to cope with challenges, setbacks, and stress, promoting emotional well-being and perseverance.

Educational Activities:

    1. Mindfulness Practice: Introduce mindfulness techniques to help students manage stress and enhance focus.
    2. Growth Mindset: Teach the concept of a growth mindset and how embracing challenges can lead to personal growth.
    3. Goal Setting: Guide students in setting SMART realistic and achievable goals and creating action plans to reach them.
    4. Stress Management Workshop: Conduct workshops on stress management techniques and self-care strategies, do role playing scenarios.

Week 5: Responsibility – Establish awareness of responsibility for self and others.

Purpose: To instil a sense of responsibility and accountability in students towards themselves, their community, and the environment.

Educational Activities:

    1. Environmental Awareness: Raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage students to take responsibility for sustainable practices.
    2. Community Service: Organize community service projects to promote the idea of giving back to society.
    3. Personal Accountability: Engage in discussions and activities that highlight the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions.
    4. Role Models: Introduce students to inspiring role models who have shown responsibility and made a positive impact on society.

Week 6: Leadership – Fosters and promotes student leadership skills.

Purpose: To empower students to become leaders who can positively influence their peers and the community, taking initiative and demonstrating responsibility.

Educational Activities:

    1. Leadership Traits: Discuss various leadership qualities and skills and how they can be developed.
    2. Leadership Projects: Have students plan and execute leadership projects that address a specific need within the school or community.
    3. Public Speaking: Provide opportunities for students to practice public speaking and effective communication as leaders.
    4. Leadership Panel: Arrange a panel of local leaders to share their experiences and advice with the students.
    5. Introduce career options and entrepreneurship skills for future prospects.

If you would like to hear more about the program please contact our Youth programs Manager via email Keletso Niebling