COVIDSafe Update – Victorian Restriction
May 29, 2021
DV Migrant/refugee women article
July 2, 2021AFRICAUSE YOUTH COMPETITION, calling all 12 – 25yr olds!
What is it like to be a young person in this world today…
What is it like to….
look …the way you look 🏿🦱🧑🏾🦱
feel …the way you feel 🏾
taste …what you taste 🧁
hear …from others, how you sound 🥁
smell …the way you smell
Calling all multicultural young people, share with us your…. 🧠
Fab food 🧁
Journey so far
We are creating a celebration of cultures of our young people from all corners of the Globe! 🏿🦱🧑🏾🦱
The close date for entries is: Monday the 28th of June 2021, at 5pm. 🏿
Winners announced and posted Wednesday 30th June 2021! 🏽
All eligible entries will be posted on our FB and Instagram pages.
Please email your entries to: byron.price@africause.org.au include your full name, proof of age & mobile number.
Post your entry on Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/africause.au/ and tag @africause.au & DM us your full name, proof of age & mobile number.
Post on your entry on our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/africause.au & DM us your full name, proof of age & mobile number.
There will be 3 top picks, these young people will win Eftpos vouchers: $100, $200, $300!
Your entries can be in any medium, here are some ideas:
#Shortfilms: 1min maximum
#Shortstories: 200 word maximum
#Selfportraits (selfies)
Please note: Zero tolerance to nudity and offensive content