Africause offer specialist professional skill development to improve pathways, and real access to meaningful jobs across all sectors.
Our team is comprised of qualified and experienced multidisciplinary experts from corporate, government and community services sectors. Specialities include generalist human resources, finance, psychosocial counselling, community services, and lived experiences to name a few.
Our strength in unlocking opportunities across the full employability journey is achieved by proactively linking core services, government, and industry with our linguistically diverse (CALD) disadvantaged community. Our tailored programs are co-designed and co-delivered in partnership with community and industry partners such as Victorian Police and Transdev.
We deliver measurable capability strengthening programs that change individual and cultural perceptions built on a foundation of mutual respect and obligation. Together we identify suitable employment pathways and provide tailored individual and group job skills coaching, retention and corporate cultural intelligence programs.
We invite you to contact Africause and be part of our unique ‘grassroots’ community to achieve your individual or cultural employment goal.
Levels of unemployment affecting members of African-Australian communities in inner Melbourne and western suburb are unacceptable. According to an analysis of the 2016 Census, the unemployment rate for African-Australians living in North Melbourne was 26.3%, compared to 6.4% for the suburb as a whole. In Carlton, African-Australians faced an unemployment rate of 31.3%, compared to 8.3% for the suburb as a whole.
The evidence is clear that there are specific barriers to employment facing the African-Australian community that need to be addressed through specialist and community-led programs.
Too often, people who could do the job don’t get the opportunity because of who they are. But instead of getting support, young people in our communities have been targeted by racist media reporting and opportunistic politicians seeking to take advantage of it.
We believe despite the many efforts and millions of dollars spend to help our communities, the outcome is still far from reality. Then, what is the problem? Most employment agents are using the same tools and connections tried with no effort to change. While the communities complaining about how can we get employment opportunity.
Africause has taken different initiatives to address this African Australian unemployment challenge and addressing the gap of services and complementing the existing services. Currently, Africause initiative to employ African Australians refugee background into Victoria Police with different stakeholders developed the employment pathway with added support to members of the different communities to overcome the Victoria Police employment barriers, such as Psychological test, physical and swimming test, plus the entrenched cultural and social network within Victoria Police. For more detail on this successful project, please read the project details.
The above model is one of the many initiatives Africause has conducted. African small businesses are also working with us to assist with the Australian work culture for our youth and community members to adopt. Nonetheless, we are concerned that the urgent need for support for the communities we represent has not been met and we are working with different stakeholders to identify and implement successful pathways for members of our communities.