Intercultural School Program
March 14, 2023
Ramadan Iftar
March 24, 2023The challenges facing our communities, particularly our children & youth requires a multidisciplinary partnership approach. Victoria police partnership is critical with new & emerging communities helps and benefits both sides. Unfortunately our humanitarian & refugee’s international obligation ends at Melbourne airport. Imagine single mothers arriving on Women at risk visa with language & cultural barriers and never been to school? Generally, also Our communities lack of knowledge on law & order is critical to our continued nurturing of our children in this country and the future of the children. Currently we have significant number of our children, youth and adults having petty and serious criminal problems and these are hindering their employability & access, once police check result comes, employers are not interested (it is like tiring legs expecting to win in marathon); Unfortunately, we are dealing with a system does not give second chance for children & young people, because the police record remains for ever, particularly for children and young adults. They are cursed to remain in a vicious criminal justice. Our main aim with our continued Victoria police partnership & information sessions is to minimise and stop children, youth & adults ending into this unending criminal justice.
Moreover, this community information sessions helps Victoria Police to understand, comprehend, and network with the communities to build their knowledge and expertise within the new & emerging communities; as 21 century police is about intelligence and information to help with their daily operations. Additionally it creates good network for both sides to reach out in time of need.
The current children & youth crises in western suburb (where one child and/or youth is killed weekly) is a good lesson, we need partnerships & friends in Victoria police, justice system , government department and other profit and non profit organisations, established communities.
Everyone is welcome to todays Victoria Police information session at AMSSA mosque in North Melbourne.
United we can create a safer and better world, but divided we end up losing trust in each other and loss everyday, like most of our families experiencing in the west losing their child or youth and living in terror everyday, whose son is next?