Flemington Homework Club
March 5, 2020Program:
Africause (AAMEYS) Youth Social Connectedness Program 2018-2021
Program Aim:
To develop and deliver measurable and sustainable pathways to reduce African Australian (Resettled Refugee Parents) Youth isolation which often results in contact with the criminal justice system and may lead to vulnerability to risk behaviours and alienation from participation in school, labour market etc.
Project Objectives:
- Minimise enablers of isolation that lead to contact with the criminal justice system; where young people have contact community mentors using “non-justice” processes to manage behavioural change, including processes to minimise radicalisation as the only perceived option to minimise their isolation.
2. Provide integrated quality services and/or activities as part of the diversion regime, based on evidence of effectiveness. Proposed services modelled on overseas experience, comprehensive and include family, community, school and peer interactions as well as an array of experienced professionals.
3. Address” Labelling Effect” – which is often demonstrated in prejudicial motivated attacks on young people and/or their families in order to work with the community to minimise labelling of young people and create social inclusion pathways.
Program Goals:
Through a set of high-level goals, Africause (AAMEYS) Youth Social Connectedness Program sets out the focus for all service providers working with children and young people from refugee and immigrant communities (African) but not exclusively – to adhere to the following goals:
- To provide leadership and build public confidence in children and youth interaction with the psychosocial, health, education and justice systems.
- To work to reduce the feeling of “hopelessness” and negative stereotypes about their faith and community.
- To provide positive environment of constructive alternatives to living in Australia without coming in contact with the criminal justice system.
- To strengthen, support and encouragement of development information and data sources (through using participatory research methods) to support more effective grounded, sustainable policies and services to respond to the International Human Rights Standards around Children and young People
Program Sponsor:
AAMEYS board
Resourcing Requirements
Program Structure
Community Development/Youth Officer
The primary objective is to contribute to the overall Africause (AAMEYS) Youth Social Connectedness Program by providing leadership and assistance to the Program, through administration, planning and delivery of program milestones, to support the strategic direction of AAMEYS including:
Guide and mentor program trainees, to provide effective activities for young African Australian people, as well as contributing to the reduction of at-risk behaviours.
Assist in the development and delivery of programs that provide opportunities that improve life choices and outcomes for young people in the community through engaging them in positive activities that promote and provide pathways to better health and wellbeing, capacity building, education, life skills, employment, training and positive social networks;
Provide referral pathways for case management for at risk youth where appropriate.
Contracted Services
The focus is on working with young people aged 10 and upwards and connecting them with opportunities including prospects for development, whilst maintaining schooling. A Key function will be to establish partnerships with community stakeholders to enable an integrated service for young people and their families. The functions of this role will all be governed by a clear holistic perspective, including an appreciation of the physical, psychological, family and social factors that have an impact on young people’s life living in the community
Working to connect young people to existing psychosocial health services. This person/ these people will provide brokerage to liaise with services and young clients across the community who would not know the pathways to access these services. This role will be to (create) a map in collaboration with critical services for future use by young people.
Trainee Youth Community of Practice
It is important that young people are given a voice in the process, so Trainee Youth Community of Practice should be engaged to coordinate activities. The young people in question should be enrolled in study towards a Social Welfare Certification in line with continuing the work intent of AAMEYS